‘Creativity only gets you so far’: Is it time for marketers to become financially fluent?
Is a lack of financial savvy holding marketers back from ascending to the top jobs in business?
While belonging to a sector that is always striving to be taken more seriously, marketers can still face a big credibility gap when they do finally enter the boardroom.
According to a LinkedIn survey run by Marketing Week, more than two-thirds of marketers (69%) think there is ‘room for improvement’ in levels of financial fluency across the industry. One in five say a lack of financial understanding is a major issue for the marketing sector as a whole and only 12% are confident their team is financially fluent.
Why is financial fluency so important? It is the language of the boardroom and marketers who want to justify budgets, or progress their careers to the C-suite, need to speak it like a native if they don’t want to look like a tourist.