‘The penny has dropped’: Is purpose having a crisis of confidence?
A few years ago purpose was seen as the solution to any brand problem. But now with even cheerleader-in-chief Unilever stepping back, where does purpose go next?
This year has certainly been an interesting one for brand purpose. Only a few years ago, purpose was touted as the holy grail for brands hoping to engage with an increasingly environmentally and socially conscious consumer audience. But a lot has changed over the last 12 to 24 months.
From backlash against Bud Light and Target among US conservatives to a global crackdown on greenwashing, to multinational conglomerates Unilever and Mars fending off criticism from sceptical investors, the events of this year are enough to make you wonder whether brand purpose has passed its, well, purpose. Is it time to put it aside and return to the more fundamental basics of brand building?