‘An inflection point’: The state of hybrid working four years on from lockdown
The majority of marketers have noticed a shift towards returning to the office, but while some leaders say it’s more productive to be in person others argue being fully flexible helps brands attract the best talent.
To office or not to office, that is the question many businesses are struggling with. In the four years since the UK went into lockdown, how we work has changed dramatically. Expectations have shifted, and businesses are still struggling to come to terms with a post-five days a week in the office world.
More than half of marketers (54%) responding to Marketing Week’s 2024 Career & Salary Survey say there is more of a trend in their business to return to the office compared to last year.
Indeed, two-thirds (64.6%) of businesses are taking a hybrid approach to working patterns, according to the data.
“We’re still very much hybrid,” says Ali Jones, chief customer and omnichannel director at Matalan. “Most people choose to come to the office three days a week.”