Adidas ramps up key city strategy as it makes a play for Paris
As the French capital gets its gameface on ahead of the 2024 Olympics, Adidas explains how the city’s local creativity is feeding the brand’s international strategy.
Paris has been a rather troubled city of late, but it continues to find some of its most positive expressions through sport and presenting a dynamic, multicultural face to the world.
With its strong physical presence in the capital, Adidas is positioning itself right at the intersection of sport and culture, riding this new wave of Parisian pride and bringing fresh impetus to its digital engagement.
Brice Lefevre, Adidas general manager for Paris, explains that the brand has been targeting six key cities (London, Paris, New York, Los Angeles, Shanghai and Tokyo), homing in on global centres that shape trends and consumer choices.
Despite being introduced in 2015, this strategy found its first representation in the French capital in January 2019, with the opening of Adidas’ revamped flagship store on the Champs-Elysées.
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