Marketing Week to explore definition and communication of effectiveness
The Language of Effectiveness, sponsored by Nielsen, will explore what effectiveness means to brands and the expectations expressed by senior stakeholders.

Marketing Week is launching a series of content exploring the definition of effectiveness and how it is being communicated within business.
The Language of Effectiveness, sponsored by Nielsen, will explore the definition of effectiveness and the expectations senior stakeholders have of marketing effectiveness metrics.
The series will feature analysis, news and views from some of the world’s most prominent marketing figures. Areas covered will include the distinction between marketing and advertising effectiveness, the value of ROI as a metric and how marketing can align with business outcomes.
Content will be gathered together on this dedicated landing page.
How is effectiveness defined, measured and communicated in your business? Take part in our survey
Marketing Week’s editor in chief, Russell Parsons, says: “The biggest challenge and opportunity marketers face is effectiveness. Delivering greater impact, the biggest prize. More impact means better outcomes for your company and customers.
“There are several barriers to delivering what’s possible. One, a common understanding of what good looks like. As Marketing Week columnist JP Castlin wrote in Marketing Week last year, the definition of effectiveness tends to vary depending on who you ask.
“All this adds up to a potential lack of trust in marketing and influence in the boardroom. With the Language of Effectiveness we want to analyse what good practice looks like, and try and point the way towards more impact and influence.”
As part of the series, we are launching a survey. We would be grateful if you could spend 10 minutes offering us your opinion on how effectiveness is defined, measured and communicated within your business.
The survey can found here.