Reddit’s CMO on why being a ‘full-stack’ marketer prepared her for a life in digital brands
With stints at Netflix, Sephora and Zynga under her belt, Reddit’s marketing lead Roxy Young shares the benefit of forging a career at the coal face of new technology – and why you need to consider your career as a web instead of a ladder.
Marketers can garner an unfair reputation for focusing too much on creative pursuits ahead of the numbers. There’s little chance, however, that you could accuse Reddit CMO Roxy Young of neglecting the numbers.
An ardent lover of analytics and the nitty gritty that encompasses much of a marketer’s day-to-day work, Young spent her formative years fascinated by gene editing and gene mutation expecting to forge a career in genetic engineering. Her professors, however, convinced her that a more outward-facing role would suit her talents better and eventually she found herself enrolling in business school after wanting to learn “more about consumers and why they make the choices they do”.