Why Coca-Cola is getting ‘out of the cage of the brand’ to foster innovation
Coca-Cola is changing the way it thinks about innovation, with marketers looking at new products through instinct before factoring in brands.
Coca-Cola is changing the way it thinks about innovation, with the soft drink giant’s marketers using their “instinct” to consider what new products might be possible before factoring in which brand it might fall under.
Speaking to Marketing Week, the company’s Western Europe marketing director Walter Susini explains: “We don’t take innovation through brands, we take innovation through instinct. We look at the big needs that consumers want, like they want to socialise or they want to unwind or have energy.”
This shift in thinking has taken place over the past two years and is a result of blurring category lines. Coca-Cola has ensured that its teams reflect this, with marketers organised so they look through the lens of instinct rather than on innovation within specific brands.
“It is the easiest way to foster innovation, to try to get out of the cage of the brand and look at what the consumer really needs,” Susini adds.