The Time I Messed Up: KP Snack’s marketing director Kevin McNair
Experience not ego should come first when making decisions about your career, advises KP Snacks’ Kevin McNair, who shares a mistake he made in choosing the next job for him based on title rather than description in the second of a series exploring what marketers have learned from their mistakes.
A promotion is a moment of pride for anyone. Progression to a more distinguished job title is a sign to the outside world that we are doing our jobs well and have made a difference where we are.
Particularly in the age of LinkedIn, it can be a real thrill to share a promotion to your network.
While promotions are a great way to show the outside world that you’re succeeding in a role, job titles on a resume rarely tell the full story of what you’ve learnt and contributed in a role.
It can be a mistake to chase single-mindedly after promotions or a job at a company you deem externally impressive without considering what that job will really do in terms of developing your skills and broadening your perspective.